Shelly's fifth round of chemo came on December 11th in the middle of one of the busiest weeks of the holiday season. The following day brought Luke's school Christmas Program and then two more consecutive days of our church's Christmas Cantata. Shelly didn't miss a beat. She not only made it to all of the programs, but also was there for the rehearsals and sang in both nights of the Cantata. PLUS, had Christmas gifts all taken care of for Luke and Molly's teachers and friends. See what I mean... AMAZING!
With the following week came an intense weariness that Shelly had not yet experienced through this ordeal. And the awful cough and congestion were back. By the time the next Sunday came around Shelly was coughing so badly, she could barely get through a sentence. Her eyes were bloodshot and watery, and no amount of medication seemed to help. She finally found a few hours of relief with some Robitussen. This past Sunday (the 28th) Luke ended up in the emergency room with an extremely high fever and wheezing. They thought that it might be pneumonia, but it turned out to be viral croup. After his hospital visit, Shelly wondered if that might possibly have been what was causing her to cough so badly the previous week. She is still struggling with the cough, not quite as bad as before, but it is still very bothersome.
So, now we are caught up to today, the last day of chemo, a day of celebration! Her sister, Sherry and her sister in law, Dee were with her today, and by the looks of it, they were having just a little too much fun! I have no doubt that all of the other chemotherapy patients and the nurses were enjoying the little "party" too! Shelly sent us a text when the chemo was done, which simply said, "It's over, girls! Praise the Lord! Movin' on." She has finished the first leg of this journey, and is patiently awaiting the next. Shelly will meet with her surgeon, Dr. Bell, on February 3rd, and the surgery will be either the 16th or 18th. As of right now they are still planning on a double mastectomy. Shelly has told us that she is understandably getting a little nervous about the surgery. But in the same breath she said, "I thought that losing my hair would be the worst thing, but it wasn't so bad, so God will get me through this one too." A phrase keeps coming to mind... "Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow..."

So, to the hundreds of friends and family that are following this blog: Double, triple, and quadruple your prayers for Shelly as she heads towards this next fight in the battle against cancer. Pray that she can shake this horrible cough, pray that as we continue through this cold and flu season that she will be as well as possible, and pray earnestly about the upcoming surgery and all the emotions and fears that it may bring. Pray that our Father will continue to rain down His strength and peace upon Shelly and her family.
To God be the glory, great things He hath done... and will continue to do!